The first round of the Mentor Certification Training is currently being carried out with an international group of participants. The second round with a new group of heroes will start in the beginning of 2025.
If you want to know more, sign up for the waiting list.
About the
Hero Mentor Certification Training
You will learn to...
Mentor Training: Deeply analyse and unblock what holds people back and haunts them with our Secret Elements method based on psychological kinesiology, the hero's journey and the wisdom of the 5 Chinese elements.
Qi Gong & Energy Work: Teach our Secret Elements Qi Gong system, which is already used at extraordinary places, like one of the most prestigious spas in the world, Amanoi and the biggest organic hotel in Germany.
The Hero's Journey Concept: Use the concept of the journey of the hero in your own life and help people become the hero of their story. We are licensed by the Joseph Campbell Foundation to use the concept of the hero's journey.
Tribe Circles: Hold deeply connecting circles and learn the inner technologies to facilitate them, like Breathwork, Qi Gong, Meditation, Trance Work, and Embodiment. And gather your own tribe around you.
Connection Culture & Business: Whether you want to earn a living as a Hero Mentor or not, we want to show you that you can have tremendous success with a tribal and connection-based approach. This is our philosophy and part of our culture.
Guest Professors: And a special highlight is our fantastic board of selected guest professors from Hawaiian wisdom lineage holder Ke'Oni Hanalei to Australia's leading past life expert Dr. Toni Reilly and more...
Our Mission
The Hero Tribe sees itself as one of the vessels on the path to a new Golden Age. The world needs real, authentic people to embark on their hero's journey, and it needs capable, powerful Hero Mentors who are able to share the medicine of reconnection. Hear your call to become part of a new order of Guardians?
Dates & Schedule
Start: End of 24 or beginning of 25
End: After one year - Never if you stay in the Academy :-)
Workshops: 16 Saturday Workshops - recorded
Supervision: Regular supervision class for participants
Assignments: Deepening of the material/skills with volunteers
Certification: Official certification test in Hero Mentoring & Qi Gong
Specials: Guest Professors / Camp / ’Hug’ Training Event (life training)
Your Tribe: Longterm training & support in the Mentor Order of the Academy
What you can do with it...
The Hero Tribe Founders
This will be your Instructor team
Main instructor for the training
Co-founder Secret Elements Qi Gong & Missing Link Martial Arts
Sascha Wagener led quite a special life in the last 20 years. His research and training journeys let him to mountain temples, monasteries and tribal warriors all around the world. He taught world-known clients in Asia's most prestigious wellness resort and is co-founder of the Secret Elements Qi Gong & Therapy system and founding member of the Missing Link Martial Arts Research Society.
A Life Full Of Adventure...
- Sascha is teaching around the world
- He developed different systems in health, self-healing & martial arts that are used in over 10 different countries
- Author of several books
- Taught high-end clients like CEOs of the top 5 silicon valley internet giants
- Visiting expert in the world famous Aman resorts...
As seen at:
Mother of the Tribe
Secret Elements Instructor
Training Organization
Camilla is the heart and mother of the Tribe. She used to work for five-star hotels around the world before being drawn to new challenges and adventures.
In her quest to become a conscious entrepreneur, she opened a fitness and health center in Vietnam before founding the Hero Tribe with Joana and Sascha. Since then, she has been constantly educating herself on how to connect her business life with what her soul wants in this life and mentoring heroes on their journey to financial freedom.
In addition, Camilla has trained in traditional methods and techniques. She completed training as a Thai Yoga Massage Therapist at one of the most prestigious training centers in Bangkok and has expanded this knowledge with her training at a Shiatsu Institute. She is a Qi Gong teacher and an enthusiastic supporter of a tasty and healthy plant-based diet.
Camilla is one of the main mentors in the Hero Tribe Academy and will share the knowledge she gained when working with clients from all around the world.
Shaman & Trance Teacher
Secret Elements Instructor
Intuitive Training
Joana has a diverse background in various movement arts. She started oriental dance as a child and became an experienced teacher and dancer. She is also a weightlifter and fitness enthusiast, yoga practitioner and general movement addict. Inspired by her martial arts travels with Sascha to China and the Himalayas, she also became a highly intuitive Qi Gong teacher and practitioner.
During her years of studying environmental science and landscape ecology, she began to search for more subtle truths and was initiated into shamanism. She has now been a healer and consultant to people and places for many years. Her work combines the healing power of sound, voice, touch, spirit, energy, emotion, language and mind.
Part of her mission is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, which she also teaches at university and ecological institutions.
During the Mentor Training she will share her expertise in guiding people into the depths of their subconscious mind.
Guest Professors
Our international board of Elders & Experts
Ke'oni Hanalei
Hawaiian alchemist & botanist / Mu culture lineage holder
Ke’oni Hanalei is a Hawaiian alchemist & botanist born and raised on the island of Maui. Upon birth he was adopted by his grandmother, who was a well known and recognized kahuna, or Hawaiian spiritual healer. He now carries on the teachings of his long ancestral line going back to 'Mu' culture.
Toni Reilly
Australia's leading past life expert
Toni Reilly is an international best-selling author, speaker, seminar leader and Australia’s number one internationally recognised Regression Specialist. Her insight and experience with past lives brings an important long-term perspective into peoples's understanding of their lives.
Cornelia Heinz
Psychologist & Martial Arts expert
Cornelia Heinz began intensive martial arts training at a young age. Together with Sascha, she opened her own dôjô and later co-founded the international martial arts research society Missing Link Martial Arts. She works as a psychologist and develops programs and methods for school psychologists in Germany. In this function, she regularly conducts seminars and trainings for psychologists, teachers and administrators.
Rafael Järmann
Nutrition & Movement expert
The Swiss nutrition expert Rafael Järmann studied at renowned schools in the US and collected a wealth of knowledge in fields like physiology, gut microbes, genomics, raw foods, fermentation, and many more. His holistic approach offers a true understanding about the powerful impact nutrition has on our lives. For years, Rafael is a guest teacher for nutrition and natural movement at our Spirit of the Hero flagship camp in Italy.
You want to know more about our Hero Mentor Certification Training?
Joseph Campbell
Many influences and traditions shape the teachings of the Hero Tribe.
One major influence is the work of Joseph Campbell and his concept of the Hero's Journey. We feel honored to be a licensee of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.
The HERO’S JOURNEY® trademark is used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation ( Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey schema from The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New World Library) copyright 2008 by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (, is used with permission.
The biggest
awaits us
The Hero Tribe GbR
Weisse Taube 15a
44229 Dortmund / Germany
Telefon: 0049 152 04727505
Joseph Campbell, the Hero's Journey & the Hero Tribe
The HERO’S JOURNEY® trademark is used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation ( Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey schema from The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New World Library) copyright 2008 by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (, is used with permission.